Doing content for me is something I truly enjoy and believe in. When I first thought of Conversations With Cuzzo it’s an extension of the Chroniclez Podcast but available in video format on the Overtime Hustlin Youtube channel (Go subscribe & Like now!) for everyone to enjoy. The goal is to talk to people of ALL walks of life (no judgement) in an entertaining way that people can escape the day to day b.s. that happens. What I did not intend for was to do an interview and then myself and my OTH team be lied to by the team of a political candidate. The interview in question will have released audio but that’s it. I would love to sit down with ANY candidate and ANY candidates team but don’t be dishonest about the rules of engagement. I also would like to personally apologize to everyone else this season who have amazing interviews waiting to be seen that got pushed back due to political shenanigans. #NotVivek2024
Cuzzo Issues a Statement | Conversations With Cuzzo
Updated: Oct 9, 2023